Get Involved With Mwandi Hospital American Partners

We appreciate your interest in helping the people of Mwandi. At this current time due to COVID-19 considerations, we are not accepting volunteers but hope to do so in the near future. Your donation is greatly appreciated

How You Can

Get Involved

Your generous donations have been helping the American Partners to fund projects at the Mwandi Mission Hospital since 2012. We are hopeful to have medical teams return to hospital in the future. Please stay tuned for more information as conditions on ground in Mwandi evolve.

Join our Fundraising Efforts

The American Partners are actively fund raising for general operating expenses and our two current projects: A) Solar Project Phase 2 and B) Reproductive Health Center. You can help by making your individual donation and by encouraging your friends (perhaps by hosting a fund-raiser) and sending the proceeds using any of the following options:

  1. Click on the “Donate” button on this website.
  2. Send checks directly to:mMwandi UCZ Mission Hospital Board of Trustees c/o Cynthia Roy
    PO Box 1642
    Blowing Rock, NC 28605
  3. Donate through our Global Giving site:

The Mwandi Hospital

In 1885, the Paris Missionary Society settled evangelists in Mwandi and part of the mission included the provision of medical treatment. Currently, the Mwandi hospital is a Level 1 referral hospital and is part of the United Church of Zambia’s mission. The hospital includes an 82-bed hospital with wards for men, women, children, TB patients, and patients with infectious diseases (primarily children). In addition, to the wards there is an Outpatient Department, a Mother-Child Health clinic, and an Anti-retroviral Clinic. The hospital employs about 135 administrative and medical personnel. The hospital’s primary goal is to reach Level 2 hospital status to meet the increased need for healthcare in the Mwandi District.

Lozi People

Mwandi means a place of “plenty fish.” It was first established by Lutangu Sipola, the 20th Paramount Chief of Barotseland, who used the areas for hunting around 1875. Paramount Chief Sipola was the leader of the Lozi people, who continue to inhabit most of Western Province Zambia. Today’s Lozi tribe members continue in the traditions of their ancestors and subsist primarily as fishermen and farmers, growing maize as their primary crop. Wealthier families raise cattle, goats, pigs, and chickens.

The Mwandi Community

The Mwandi Mission Hospital is located in the rural village of Mwandi, Zambia. Mwandi is midway between Livingstone and Sesheke, in the southwest corner of Zambia and along the banks of the Zambezi River. The environment is harsh and subject to severe drought or flooding. Approximately 30,000 people live in the Mwandi district. Travel from village to village takes many hours and sometimes days when walking or riding a bike. Even by vehicle, it can take 4-5 hours to drive along sandy, bumpy roads to reach the furthest Rural Health Center.

Your Donation Makes a Big Difference

We greatly appreciate your donation. Your donation, no matter how big or small, helps the community of Mwandi in a meaningful way.